Home air conditioning has become a necessity for many of us during the hot summer months. However, excessive use of air conditioners or fan-coil can have a significant impact on the environment, increasing energy consumption and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. Fortunately, there are ways to manage home air conditioning more sustainably, reducing energy consumption and preserving the environment. In this article, we will explore some easy tips for responsible management of home air conditioning.

If, on the other hand, you want to do more accurate maintenance to get ready for the summer, we refer you to this article.

Thermal insulation

Good thermal insulation is essential to reduce heat loss during summer. Ensure that windows are properly sealed and consider installing shutters or blackout curtains to block direct sunlight. Use insulation materials to cover any gaps or cracks. Adequate insulation helps keep the cool air inside the house, thus reducing the need for air conditioning.

Air conditioning temperature regulation

Set the air conditioner to a reasonable temperature, typically around 27°C (80°F). Every degree lower significantly increases energy consumption. Additionally, use the energy-saving mode, if available, which reduces energy usage and optimizes the air conditioner’s performance. Remember to turn off the air conditioner when you’re not at home or use a timer to turn it on only when needed.

Natural ventilation

Take advantage of natural ventilation in the early morning and evening hours. Open windows to let in fresh air and let the breeze cool the environment. If you want, use ceiling or tabletop fans to improve air circulation inside the house: this will help reduce the usage of the air conditioner and maintain a comfortable climate.

Regular maintenance of air conditioning system

Perform regular maintenance on your air conditioning system to ensure efficient operation. Clean or replace air filters periodically, as dirty filters impede airflow and make the air conditioner less efficient. Also, make sure the vents of the outdoor units are clean and free from dust and debris.

Invest in an energy-efficient air conditioner

When it’s time to replace your old air conditioner, opt for a more energy-efficient model. Look for appliances with an energy label rating of A or higher, which guarantee lower energy consumption. Inverter fan-coil or air conditioners are particularly efficient as they automatically adjust power based on cooling needs.

Use blinds and curtains

Blinds and curtains are another effective solution to reduce heat absorption inside the house. Keep the blinds or curtains closed during the hottest hours of the day to prevent excessive heat from the sun. By doing so, you will reduce the need to run the air conditioner at full capacity.

Sustainable management of home air conditioning not only helps reduce environmental impact but can also lead to significant energy savings and a lower utility bill. By utilizing thermal insulation, properly regulating the temperature, utilizing natural ventilation, and investing in energy-efficient appliances, we can create cool and comfortable environments without harming the planet. Each one of us can contribute to adopting eco-friendly habits for a healthier home and a better future.

Most IMIT thermostats and programmable thermostats are able to manage and regulate both air conditioning and heating systems. Read these articles to learn more and contact your trusted technician for installation:


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