The changing seasons bring significant variations in temperature, and to maintain maximum comfort at home while saving energy, it’s essential to properly adjust thermostats and programmable thermostats connected to heating and cooling systems. In this article, we will explore how to adjust the temperature according to different seasons, addressing winter, summer, and the temperature fluctuations of autumn and spring.


During the winter, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature is a priority, but it’s equally important to do so efficiently to save energy. Here are some tips:

Set a baseline temperature: during daylight hours, set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature, typically around 67-71°F (19-21°C). At night or when you’re away from home, lower the temperature by a few degrees to save energy.

Use smart scheduling: if you have a TPI thermostat, take advantage of its machine learning features to adapt the temperature to the performance of your system or to your habits. Typically, these thermostats adjust automatically, to ensure maximum efficiency.

Use window and door seals: ensure that windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent heat loss. This will reduce the need for additional heating.


During the summer, cooling becomes essential. Here’s how to do it efficiently:

Set a moderate temperature: keep the air conditioner thermostat at a moderate temperature, usually around 76-79°F (25-27°C). It’s still comfortable and helps save energy compared to very low temperatures, as well as avoiding changes between outside and inside that are dangerous for people’s health

Use ceiling fans or dehumidifiers: ceiling fans and dehumidifiers can help circulate cool air more evenly, allowing you to keep your thermostat at a slightly higher temperature without losing comfort.

Keep blinds closed during the day: reduce overheating by closing blinds during the hottest hours of the day.

Mid seasons: Autumn and Spring

In autumn and spring, temperatures can fluctuate significantly between day and night. Here’s how to deal with these temperature swings:

Use time-based programming: use the chronothermostat’s programming function so that it automatically adapts to temperature changes throughout the day. For example, when it is already hot during the day it is useless to turn on the system for just a few minutes. This especially applies to devices that regulate heating and cooling together or to fan coils.

Stay flexible: in these seasons, you may need to manually adjust the thermostat to adapt to daily variations. Monitor weather forecasts and make small adjustments as needed.

Open and close windows strategically: circulate air in the morning and evening, when outside temperatures are lower. In the morning, it will prevent the rooms from heating up excessively after a few hours, due to humidity, and in the evening you will free yourself from the heat accumulated in a few minutes.

In conclusion, adjusting thermostat temperatures according to the seasons is crucial for maintaining comfort at home and saving energy. Make use of thermostat features, use programming, and make small manual adjustments as needed to ensure you always have the right temperature, regardless of weather conditions.

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