14 Apr 2022 | Renewable energies
Do you already use heating devices powered by renewable energy (pellet stoves, thermo-fireplaces or thermo-stoves)? You may not know that thanks to the installation of a hydraulic interface module, it is possible to improve its performance and save on gas bills. How...
17 Mar 2022 | Home, Industry, News, Renewable energies
This year the IMIT brand celebrates 105 years, a milestone that few companies in the world have had the opportunity to achieve! When a brand goes through such a challenging century (and recent events have taught us this), it means that it has left its mark. Our...
10 Feb 2022 | Home, News, Renewable energies
The so-called DL sostegni-ter, or the third Support Decree (DL no. 4 of January 27, 2022) containing “Urgent measures in the field of support for businesses and economic operators, work, health and local services, connected to the emergency from COVID-19, as...