Changing seasons and temperature management

Changing seasons and temperature management

The seasons follow their natural rhythm, influencing the climate and temperatures worldwide. This annual cycle of climatic changes presents unique challenges and opportunities for temperature management and home comfort. At IMIT, we understand the importance of...
Urban canyons: managing comfort in ever hotter cities

Urban canyons: managing comfort in ever hotter cities

Big cities present a unique set of challenges for managing temperature and residential comfort. Among these, the so-called “urban canyons” have become a growing area of interest for experts in thermoregulation and architecture. But what exactly are urban...
Plants for your home: the natural solution to improve comfort

Plants for your home: the natural solution to improve comfort

Did you know that a simple and effective solution to improve air quality and living comfort is to grow indoor plants? This is not a new concept: in the late 1980s, NASA needed to develop a system capable of detoxifying the air in space stations and conducted a study...
How to manage temperature during a rainy and cold season

How to manage temperature during a rainy and cold season

Spring is typically a transitional season characterized by longer days and rising temperatures. However, some years, like 2024, present a grayer side, offering frequent rains and lower-than-average temperatures. In these situations, maintaining a comfortable home can...