Did you know that a simple and effective solution to improve air quality and living comfort is to grow indoor plants? This is not a new concept: in the late 1980s, NASA needed to develop a system capable of detoxifying the air in space stations and conducted a study to find the best plants for air filtration, aiming to improve air quality. Thus, plants not only beautify spaces but also contribute to better oxygenation of the environment, reduce humidity, and create a healthier climate. In an era where we spend more and more time inside our homes, let’s explore the best plant species to cultivate to achieve these benefits.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant known for its healing properties, but it is also excellent for purifying the air. This plant releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide at night, making it ideal for bedrooms. Additionally, it requires little maintenance and adapts well to indoor environments with low light. The gel extracted from its fleshy leaves is also highly effective for treating burns, insect bites, and sunburns.

Sansevieria (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)

Sansevieria, or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is another plant that improves air oxygenation. It is particularly effective at absorbing common airborne toxins, such as formaldehyde and benzene, which are often found in furniture paints and solvents. This plant is extremely resilient and can survive in low-light conditions with little water, making it perfect for those without a green thumb.

Ficus Elastica

Ficus Elastica is a broad-leaved plant that helps reduce excess humidity and purify the air. It can absorb toxins and release oxygen, thus improving indoor comfort. It requires indirect light and regular, but not excessive, watering.

Boston Fern

Boston Fern is excellent for reducing humidity and purifying the air. Its lush green leaves absorb moisture and release oxygen, thereby improving air quality. This plant prefers humid and cool environments, making it ideal for bathrooms and kitchens.


Dracaena is a very effective plant for removing toxins from the air, such as trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde. It is also useful for reducing excess humidity, creating a more comfortable environment. This plant thrives in indirect light and requires moderate watering.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily is known for its air purification capabilities and its aesthetic beauty. It is particularly effective at absorbing toxins like ammonia, benzene, and formaldehyde. Additionally, this plant helps maintain an optimal humidity level in the environment. Peace Lily prefers environments with indirect light and consistently moist soil.


Pothos is a versatile and easy-to-grow plant that helps purify the air and reduce humidity. It is effective at removing toxins such as carbon monoxide and benzene. This plant grows well in low-light conditions and requires little water, making it easy to maintain and suitable for any home environment.

Plants as allies

Integrating indoor plants into your home not only beautifies spaces but also offers numerous health and comfort benefits. Plants help improve air oxygenation, reduce humidity, and purify the environment from toxins. Choosing the right plants and placing them strategically can transform your living space into a green oasis, enhancing the overall well-being of your home.

Cultivating these plants is a small step towards a more comfortable and sustainable lifestyle, which can make a significant difference in the quality of daily life.

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