In these first weeks of 2023, two important reports were published which take stock of global and Italian energy efficiency.

Energy Efficiency 2022 by IEA

The first is Energy Efficiency 2022: it was published by the International Energy Agency IEA and analyzes global investments and energy efficiency policies.

Energy Efficiency explores recent trends in efficiency use and investment, innovation and technology, to support policies that will improve the reliability, affordability and sustainability of energy for its 31 Member and 11 Associates countries. With this objective, the IEA examined the full spectrum of elements related to energy issues, including supply and demand for oil, gas and coal, renewable energy technologies, electricity markets, energy efficiency, energy access, management of the question and much more.

Consumers’ energy bills have hit record highs in the past year, and ensuring reliable access to supplies has been a hot topic of discussion for nearly every government in the world. In response to the energy crisis, countries have finally prioritized actions and initiatives that promote energy efficiency, the only one able to simultaneously meet the objectives of accessibility, security of supply and resolution of the climate crisis.

While investment in this direction has recently increased, the pace of actual improvements slowed sharply in the second half of the last decade and practically stalled during the first two years of Covid-19, only to pick up again in 2022.

In particular, the data show that the global economy used energy more efficiently this year by 2% than in 2021: an improvement rate almost four times that of the previous two years and almost double that of the last five years.

However, it needs to be understood whether the latest efforts to better manage energy consumption following last year’s energy crisis will be lasting.

As far as Italy is concerned, the report shows that the Superbonus was among the most ambitious plans at an international level. The measure, which as at 31 October 2022 offered tax credits for over 55 billion euros, was launched with the aim of increasing the energy performance of the building subject to efficiency measures by two classes.

The IEA points out that the Italian one is the largest financial support program for redevelopment in the European Union and is cited together with the US Inflation Reduction Act, the European Union’s REPowerEU plan and Japan’s Green Transformation (GX) program , which involve spending hundreds of billions of dollars on more efficient buildings, cars and industries.

The Annual Report on Tax Deductions of ENEA

In addition to the Superbonus, for Italy in particular, ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) has published the new edition of the Annual Tax Deductions Report, which takes stock of the investments activated in 2021 for effect of tax deduction mechanisms and on the energy savings obtained.

Already in the introduction, Gilberto Dialuce, president of ENEA since 2021, wrote:

To achieve such results we need three key actions:

  • Right financial mechanisms to make energy efficiency more attractive to the entire supply chain involved in the development, refurbishment and use of buildings
  • A holistic approach to design, from the city level to individual properties, that can encourage interdependence and shared responsibility among stakeholders in the construction value chain
  • The construction of a culture of change and responsibility in order to generate behaviors that can support energy efficiency technological actions by building professionals and building users.

Going into detail on each single Italian tax deduction activated, this report tells of the effort that is made year after year and the results achieved to allow all those involved to discuss and inspire future choices relating to the best policies to achieve the 2030 goals.

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